Workplace giving campaigns have been a staple of United Way for decades. In fact, we’re often associated with coining the phrase, "I gave at the office."
United Way's annual community campaign in the workplace is the most effective way to organize your company around helping to improve the community you work and live in. United Way of Ross County can help you plan and implement a campaign. If you're interested in finding more information about how you can start a United Way campaign at your company first start by contacting the United Way of Ross County or one of our Community Campaign Cabinet members.
GIVE to the United Way of Ross County
Your gift to United Way of Ross County is an investment in our community. Working with generous contributors, we are helping more people in more ways than any of us could ever help on our own. Together, we can improve lives and create lasting changes that make a difference – right here at home. That’s what it means to LIVE UNITED.
- Click on "Donate" to make a contribution.
- Contribute to your workplace United Way Campaign. Ask your supervisor or Human Resources staff for information about your company campaign.
- Mail your check or pledge*: United Way of Ross County, 69 E. Water Street, Chillicothe, OH 45601 (*Visa, Mastercard and Discover credit cards accepted)
The Ross Leadership Circle
These donors are individuals and businesses whose gifts to United Way reflect their special commitment to our community and their belief that when we reach out a hand to one, we influence the condition of all. Please join us as a leader in changing lives and improving community conditions.